Posts in Missions
141. Empowering Millennials & Gen Z

Author Micah Davis has published an article titled, “How Church Leaders Can Empower and Reach Millennials and Gen Z,” and in this episode we reflect on his suggestions. Some notable takeaways include: Don't Generalize, Really Listen, Adapt to their Lives, and more. Hear us out and let us know if you can identify other valuable strategies for equipping future generations.

139. Scripture Spotlight: Philippians 4:2-9

Have you ever found yourself in situations where, as a leader, you know that your role is to exhort or to serve as the intermediary? How do you deal with conflicts in the church? This week's passage makes us reflect on this, taking as a reference the life of Paul, who also exhorts us to “always rejoice” even in the midst of discouraging circumstances.

2. "From everywhere to everywhere"

In this episode, listen as we explore the Global Mission Mesoamerica ministry and its 3D model of missions: Discover, Develop, and Deploy. Also, Emily and Chelsea talk about their first experience in missions and Freya gives us a glimpse of what missions looks like in the Mesoamerica Region. 

I am a missionary, not because of my ethnicity, but because God has called me to this.
— Chelsea Fry
1. Worthless Servants

We are all "Worthless Servants" (Luke 17:10). We discuss issues of mission, culture, and the Church. Join us on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher every other Thursday! 

This is the first episode! This week you will get to know the hosts, why we're doing this podcast, and why we're worthless. 

Isn’t the essence of missions: to serve?
— Scott Armstrong