105. Pandemic Impact

The Church of the Nazarene recently shared the results of an in-depth study on how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted Nazarene pastors around the world. It’s a fascinating glimpse into how many leaders and churches are feeling. How has the past year impacted giving? Have local churches found new meaning and purpose in midst of the stress? How could God be working in the Church even during a such a difficult time? 

MM MesoamericaComment
104. Keychain Leadership

Every leader has keys. Some are literal keys on a keychain, others are metaphorical and represent the many responsibilities one has as a leader. In this episode we talk about some articles written by Dominican youth leader, Esteban Juan Alcántara, on what is “Keychain Leadership”, how to be a good keychain leader, and the importance of handing over keys time and again. 

MM MesoamericaComment
103. Mission without Limits

The global pandemic has hindered a lot of things. But it will never stop God from working. This week we’re sharing stories from all around the region about what God was able to do through His people during an event called “Mission without Limits”. This initiative sent missionaries to dozens of nearby communities to participate in a “glocal” movement. What is “glocal”? What did God do during the two weeks? Listen to find out! 

MM MesoamericaComment
102. The Best Of (Part 2)

We’re continuing our blast from the past, this week revisiting some great moments from episodes 51-99. Once again, thanks to all who have been on this journey with us, and we hope you enjoy these episodes with us. If you’re just joining us, we hope these episodes will give you a brief glimpse into what the Worthless Servants are all about. 

MM MesoamericaComment
101. The Best Of (Part 1)

After celebrating 100 episodes two weeks ago, we want to take a look at some of our best moments from episodes 1 - 50. We don’t have time to highlight everything, but if you’re new to the Worthless Servants, here are some key episodes to get you started. If you’re a long listener, enjoy taking this trip down memory lane with us! 

MM MesoamericaComment
100. 100 Episodes!

Can you believe we’ve been doing this for 100 episodes? This time Chelsea helps us celebrate! We list some of our favorite past episodes, we play Worthless Servants Trivia, we talk with some special guests, and we share our hopes for the future. Plus, there are several surprises you won’t want to miss! Thank you all for listening and being an army of Worthless Servants!

MM MesoamericaComment
99. Been Thinking...

This week we share some of our thoughts on unity, vacation, and flexibility. Natalie also shares some honest thoughts about serving in missions and taking the next step in her call. Don’t miss out on this episode and let us know what’s been on your mind!

MM MesoamericaComment
98. Toxic Faith

Nobody likes criticism, but it is necessary for healthy growth. This week we take a step back and look at ourselves and the Church to see if we are spreading Good News or Toxic Faith. We talk about perfectionism, control, perpetual cheerfulness and more. What happens if we acknowledge these characteristics of toxic faith systems and seek to change them? Is there a way to find a balance between wholesale criticizing and accepting everything blindly? What does God say the Church needs to be as an agent of hope and healing? 

MM MesoamericaComment
97. Scripture Spotlight: Jeremiah 29:4-7

This week's Scripture Spotlight brings us to those exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon. It is a passage that has clear missional implications for how we view our cities. How can we be the Church in our city? What does it mean to “seek the peace” of our city? What are the practical implications of this verse for us today?

MM MesoamericaComment
96. Transformational Preaching

This week we’re focusing on an article by Derwin Gray. How can our sermons be more than good advice or entertaining speeches? What does it mean to preach a transformational message? We’re going to talk about all six C’s mentioned in Gray’s article and the difference between communicating in general and specifically communicating the Gospel. 

MM MesoamericaComment
95. Messy Christmas

'Tis the season for big meals, parades, presents, and decorations. But is that what it was really like when Jesus was born? How have we watered down the real meaning of Christmas? What would it look like to celebrate today the messiness of Christ’s birth? We talk about all this and more as we eat our Christmas treats and sing jolly tunes.

MM MesoamericaComment
94. Been Thinking...

This week we’ve been thinking about conformity, inner transformation, baked goods for God, and what space smells like. How does this all relate to missions? You’ll have to listen to find out! 

MM MesoamericaComment
93. Carlos Gordon

We mentioned him in a previous episode; now we get the chance to hear more of his story. This week, Carlos Gordon is our special guest. He is on his way to Africa from Jamaica to serve as the Regional Finance Coordinator for the Church of the Nazarene. Listen as he shares part of his story, his calling, and his passion. And let’s please support him in prayer and financially in the coming days!

MM MesoamericaComment
92. Attitude

When you get ready for the day, you put on clothes. Shouldn’t we do the same with our attitude? How does attitude affect our actions and outcomes in daily circumstances? We try to answer this question as we talk about the difference between attitude and emotions, the construct of behavior, and attitude’s relationship with obedience. We have some advice to hopefully make this a daily practice and think about attitude differently. 

MM MesoamericaComment
91. Scripture Spotlight: Romans 10:9-15

In this episode we spotlight a classic passage of scripture that has a lot of theological and missional meaning. We talk about confessing and believing, sending, preaching, hearing, going, and so much more. What do you notice from this passage? How does it help you in your walk with Christ?

MM MesoamericaComment
90. Convenience vs Effectiveness

Technology has been a great advance for humankind and has helped the Church in her mission. But when can it become too much? This week we talk about how an over-reliance on technology could possibly limit a missionary’s effectiveness. An article by Rachel Kleppen provokes a lot of discussion. Do we need to limit technology? If so, how do we do that when our society is so dependent on it for community?

MM MesoamericaComment
89. PLANdemic Leader

Many people are trying to figure out what it looks like to be a leader when so few of us know what to plan for. A convenient infographic that we came across may help to define differences between a typical pandemic leader and one who leads with vision and purpose. We talk about going back to “normal” vs working for the future, turning inward vs looking outward, surviving vs thriving, and several more. How can we be the best leaders we can be for the Church without getting dragged down by the negative reality of COVID-19? 

MM MesoamericaComment
88. Been Thinking...

There are many things in our day-to-day lives that make us think about God, missions, spirituality, religion, and much more. Why not touch on those interesting topics in one episode? This week we share what we’ve been learning about immigration, slowing down, segregation, and even finances in Africa. It’s a mixed bag of topics, but all have to do with our lives as missionaries and as Christians. What have you been thinking about? 

MM MesoamericaComment
87. Temptations

This week we take a deep look at ourselves and get a little vulnerable. Dan Reiland’s article “The Four Temptations that Leaders Face,” forms the basis of our conversation. No one is exempt from facing temptations. Even leaders face them, and maybe more so than the average person. If you’re a leader and you're struggling with temptation, listen carefully, because you’re not alone. We’re all in this together and hopefully we can offer you hope and encouragement in this episode.

MM MesoamericaComment
86. Scripture Spotlight: Matthew 28:16-20

Through 85 episodes, you may have wondered when we would highlight the Great Commission. This week is the week! However, we don’t just hit the points you’ve heard before; we also explore the context and hopefully shed a different light on this Scripture. What does it mean for us today? Is it still relevant? The Worthless Servants offer many thoughts and take-aways on this classic passage. 

MM MesoamericaComment