65. Prayer and Planning

The Worthless Servants are back with a new series and a new worthless servant! This time they're talking about church planting through the "10 Practical Steps of Church Planting” written by Manuel Molina. According to Pastor Manuel, steps one and two need to be Intentional Prayer and Planning. How can we be specific with our prayers? How can we plan for greater ministry success? 

MM MesoamericaComment
64. Freya's Farewell

After two years and 64 episodes, Freya Galindo says “adios" to the ministry in the Dominican Republic in order to start a new chapter of her life in another assignment. Listen as we recount some of our favorite moments with Freya as well as her favorite moments in ministry so far. She may be leaving the podcast and the DR but she will continue in ministry in our region, so you may hear from her more in the future!

MM MesoamericaComment
63. Urban Invasion

The ministry of Genesis is all about transforming the city. This week we hear about one event that did just that in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 200 people unitedwith five churches for 12hours to reach five different communities! What was the purpose? What were the many creative strategies? How can we impact a city in one day? The Worthless Servants tell stories of their involvement, the training, the creativity, and the results from this event.

MM Mesoamerica Comment
62. Scripture Spotlight: Revelation 7:9-17

The Worthless Servants take another look at scripture and this time focus on Revelation 7:9-17. They bring their thoughts and questions about a piece of scripture that is maybe not well known. Everyone has something to say about this one, each from a different perspective! Don’t miss how they apply this to our everyday lives as well as where mission and missions fit in.

MM MesoamericaComment
61. Fail

None of us are perfect and we all have our moments of failure, but how can we avoid moral failures while serving in ministry? This week we talk about a tough subject and hopefully offer some sound advice. We turn to Dan Reiland for some help in creating a list of ways to stay alert. Also, what does the Bible have to teach us? And what do snails have to do with all of this? 

We all have the possibility of failing.
— Freya Galindo
MM MesoamericaComment
60. Sending Church

We’ve talked about being sent, but what about the ones doing the sending? What is the church’s role in sending missionaries? The Worthless Servants talk about some ways that the local church can help and support missionaries who are being sent from their own number. Also, what is a cadre and wha does that have to do with the sending church? 

There are people who are called to be the feet and to go, but we are all called to be a part of it.
— Emily Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment
59. Home Assignment: The Other Side

The Worthless Servants talked about home assignment in Episode 48 and gave us an inside glimpse at what it is like from their perspective. This time, the offer many ways that local churches can help missionaries during this chaotic time. They also highlight certain occasions when they have personally felt particularly blessed.

Knowing that they’re praying for [us] is empowering.
— Chelsea Fry
MM MesoamericaComment
58. Scripture Spotlight: Acts 13:1-3

It may be a passage you’re familiar with but also one that is often overlooked: the calling of Paul and Barnabas by God. What does this say to us today? How should the church model this behavior? The Worthless Servants talk about what impacts them the most from this passage. 

When we seek [God’s] face, the natural progression is to go or to send.
— Scott Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment
57. Contextualization

How do we reach our culture for Christ? How can we communicate Biblical truth more effectively? The answer must include “contextualization”. What is it? Why is it important? How much should we change or innovate in order to reach a culture? The Worthless Servants discuss these questions and refer to several experts for the answers. 

The process of meaningfully connecting biblical revelation to a specific culture is called contextualization.
— Dr. Howard Culbertson
56. Language (Part 3)

It’s the epic conclusion of the “Language Trilogy”! This time we’re taking about your brain on language. How does it physically affect your brain when you learn a new language? How does language affect the way we think or behave? 

Because I know another language, I can now see the point of view of other people.
— Scott Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment
55. Language (Part 2)

The Worthless Servants continue the conversation from last time about language learning. How do we stay motivated? What are the important things to focus on and remember when we go through the tough times of learning a new language?They also share some funny stories and welcome some guest speakers! 

In order to be more effective… I realize that means learning the language.
— Emily Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment
54. Language (Part 1)

Why is language learning important in missions and ministry? How does language learning happen? How do we persevere in learning a new language when it gets hard? Stay tuned for the dramatic conclusion…

It opens up a lot of space in a relationship.
— Chelsea Fry
MM MesoamericaComment
53. Scripture Spotlight: Genesis 12:1-3

This week the Worthless Servants focus on a familiar passage of scripture. Maybe it’s a story you’ve heard before but how does it apply to missions? They share their thoughts and take a deeper dive into Genesis 12:1-3. 

In order to receive the blessing he had to DO something.
— Chelsea Fry
52. WEF

What is the World Evangelism Fund (WEF)? Why is it important? Although mentioned in the previous episode, this time they dive in much deeper. The Worthless Servants share personal stories of its significance and how they first learned about it. They talk about how volunteerism fits in and how we can to better at sharing and prioritizing WEF.

It’s exciting to be a part of something that is bigger than ourselves... we are a global denomination because of WEF!
— Emily Armstong
MM MesoamericaComment
51. 2018 Stats

One more year and the numbers are in. We take a look at some encouraging trends and we also find out where we can improve as a denomination and region. We look at things like Global membership, youth in the church, financial giving, and the growth in Africa and Eurasia. 

This just speaks to how global our denomination is!
— AJ Fry
MM MesoamericaComment
50. Episode 50

It’s party time! We’re celebrating the 50th episode! This episode is all about you, the listener. We answer some of your questions, both serious and not so serious. This episode is also full of surprises! 

50 episodes deserves a celebration!
— Freya Galindo
MM MesoamericaComment
49. Lent

What is Lent? Why is it important? The Worthless Servants help us investigate what it means to practice this tradition of fasting as well as its benefits. They share personal experiences and stories and help us re-examine what this season could mean for us. 

MM MesoamericaComment
48. Home Assignment

What happens when a missionary goes on “Home Assignment”? Why is it important? What are its blessings and challenges? The Worthless Servants help us understand what it is like to travel often, be with multiple churches, raise funds, and share the vision while on home assignment. And no, it’s not a vacation!

A way of confirming my call is if my family and friends are supporting me.
— Freya Galindo
MM MesoamericaComment
47. Evaluation

After learning about and practicing nine Characteristics of a healthy, missional church, it’s time to evaluate our ministries and how we practice those characteristics. Taken from James 1:22-25, this characteristic not only helps us be missional but helps us stay that way. Why is evaluation important? How does it make us more effective? Are we asking the right questions? 

As the community changes, the church should change as well.
— Scott Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment
46. Misperceptions (Part 2)

The Worthless Servants continue the conversation about assumptions some people may have about missionaries. They talk today about saying goodbye, where “home” is, support from their local churches, newsletters, and fear. Maybe you've wondered about these aspects of missionary life; hopefully we can answer some of your questions. 

He’s called us to the dark places. And the dark places aren’t easy places!
— Emily Armstrong
MM MesoamericaComment